THE PUMP HOUSE Regional Arts Center
The Vision
to enhance the quality of life in the Coulee Region by maintaining the Pump House as a cultural center, and by promoting a wide range of performing arts, visual, and literary arts.
Business cards
Newspaper ads
Magazine ads
This project was for the creation of many different marketing items for The Pump House Regional Arts Center. The pump house is a historic building that is used to host performing artists, visual artists exhibits, and art classes.
The idea behind the designs was to create beautifully designed flyers, postcards, and ads to bring more patrons to the Pump House. Also, to create postcards to send out to existing members about upcoming events.

"During our few months together, I had the opportunity get to know Braley and her work ethic quite well. I can say with complete confidence that she is a very capable designer who shows excellent problem-solving skills while working hard to meet her clients’ needs."
-McKenzie Olson
The Pump House Regional Arts Center